martes, 3 de marzo de 2009

Destroyed in a thousand pieces by a missile, we thought, was coming to save us. I just can't believe what they did to us. They sent us hope, and a missile, and now we're floating lost in space. How can a person give hope and then destroy it all, How can they ! But I just can't hate you, earth. I just can't stop loving you so hard that if I someday come back I'll do like if nothing've happened. Because yes, that's the way I love you, that big is my love for you. I'll do whatever to come back, even if your gravity will never attract me to you (even if I know you're doing it on intention).
How sad. I'll laugh just to save my tears, darling, so that day I'll cry on your shoulder like I've never done it before. I love you. I just can't cope with this, you're tearing my heart apart.
Darling, save your scissors to someone else.

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