martes, 30 de diciembre de 2008

Wheeler's Diary from Silent Hill Homecoming (that means I didn't write this one)

"September 15

A fun little fact for you. You have a cell phone, right? Of course, everyone does. Now you realise that when you talk on that cell phone, the information is transmitted to a cell tower, wich then bounces it to a satellite, back down to another cell tower and into the phone of whoever you're talking to. Did you ever wonder what happens to all that information as its just flying through the air like that? Did you ever wonder who might be listening?

Sure, you say, I knew that. I would never say anything really private on my cell phone. What else you got, man?

All right, well what would you say if I told you that even when your cell phonne is off, someone can still listen in on your conversations? Take a look at the little mic on your phone. Take a good look at it. Do you think its off right now? Say something. Speak into the mic.

Ever wonder why even when you're not using your phone, the battery is still getting drained? It's not because that little digitalclock is ticking, I'll tell you that.

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